February 20 & 22, 2024
字圆其说 x RemakerSpace
Crafting Workshop · Made (with Love) by me
As people may have noticed on the Information and Announcement Boards around NYUSH campus, there are magnets being put up to promote the use of this recyclable tools instead of tapes for posters. The magnets is the first step of a series of collaborative events between projects, programs and student clubs.
This all started when two students from Prof. Yanyue Yuan (IMB)’s summer DURF projects initiated the idea of using the posters recycled from our campus in the community-related projects including entities like Dongming Neighbourhood and beyond. It could be workshops and exhibitions of various topics and deliveries to showcase NYU Shanghai, to engage our students with local residents, and to create more potentials for collaborative projects in the future.
The idea attracted interests from professors across different programs, in which that the current Program Head of IMA Marcele GODOY proposed that the process of collecting those used posters could also be eco-friendly and a community endevour of NYUSH. She designed a prototype of bag with used tarps from University Communications and conducted two crafting workshops with Professor Yanyue YUAN and Jing CHAI, to 20+ participants made up of students, faculty and staff and handmade tens of bags to be put up around the Information Boards around campus as a reminder to encourage all community members to recycle the used posters.