the character qu 去 reminds of a tie seen upside down, which conveys a meaning of formality -> law
Vladimir Kartamyshev
1 year ago
You cannot run on the surface of water, it’s a LAW of nature.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
1 year ago
Theres a plus and minus sign on top of what seems like a triangle which reminds me of the LAW(s) of maths
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Nurbol Ibrai
2 months ago
There’s a water radical and the right part means to go. So water flowing down a stream is the LAW of nature.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Joey Seo
2 months ago
The right side of the character looks like a hammer they use in the court room to call order and the radical looks like the animation when you hit something. its the hammer calling for LAW and order in the court.
water radical + 去 character (qu – to walk)
the character qu 去 reminds of a tie seen upside down, which conveys a meaning of formality -> law
You cannot run on the surface of water, it’s a LAW of nature.
Theres a plus and minus sign on top of what seems like a triangle which reminds me of the LAW(s) of maths
There’s a water radical and the right part means to go. So water flowing down a stream is the LAW of nature.
The right side of the character looks like a hammer they use in the court room to call order and the radical looks like the animation when you hit something. its the hammer calling for LAW and order in the court.