I think of the t on the left like “positive” or “right/correct”
Just like the actual word correct, the term ends with a “t”.
I remember it with its radical, hand. When something is correct you normally also give a handsign with the hand.
The left part reminds me of an ok sign you do with your hands and the right side looks a little like a plus which is positive thus correct
its just a hand radicle next to the mirror image of t
the left and right radical look like two people shaking hands
The right part of the character looks like a ‘check’ sideways.
It looks like the upper half of an hour glass
I think for the t looking part of the character as True and i remember that there is a hand radical on the side.
Looks like two people facing each other agreeing on something.
I think of the t on the left like “positive” or “right/correct”
Just like the actual word correct, the term ends with a “t”.
I remember it with its radical, hand. When something is correct you normally also give a handsign with the hand.
The left part reminds me of an ok sign you do with your hands and the right side looks a little like a plus which is positive thus correct
its just a hand radicle next to the mirror image of t
the left and right radical look like two people shaking hands
The right part of the character looks like a ‘check’ sideways.
It looks like the upper half of an hour glass
I think for the t looking part of the character as True and i remember that there is a hand radical on the side.
Looks like two people facing each other agreeing on something.