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Tony Kinninger
Tony Kinninger
4 years ago

This character looks like AQUAMAN because he performs and acts. He has the water radical, a crown on the top because he is the king of the ocean, and he has a 4 – pack. 😉 splash

Bayarjargal Ganbold
Bayarjargal Ganbold
4 years ago

the bottom square part looks like a screen and the top is roof, SHOWing film inside a theater or any other place

Kat Flanigen
Kat Flanigen
4 years ago

the right part looks like a person dancing and preforming and the left looks like confetti coming down from the stage

Nicole Cheah
Nicole Cheah
3 years ago

how i remember this character: the bottom part of the character looks like someone using their hands to explain something to someone, thus showing how they are acting or performing something to help the other understand

Sherab Ghale
Sherab Ghale
2 years ago

When someone “PERFORMS”, they get tired and drink “WATER”.

Ken Saengkla
Ken Saengkla
2 years ago

There’s a water radical on the left, but it looks like a light spot on the stage with a human-like character on the right that looks like they are performing on the scene.

1 year ago

it looks like someone dancing with their arms in the air seen by the two lines on the left. It looks like someone is “performing”.

1 year ago

because you often CRY as you act or as you watch someone else act, there’s a water radical next to the character that looks like a person!

Varya Obriadova
Varya Obriadova
9 months ago

The right part of the character looks like a person who got 电 inside them and roof under, which gives me association of the meaning of this character – someone acts in the film (电影). The left part is radical water.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
9 months ago

We can memorize this by 水 has no shape that can transform into anything so as an actor they can act to be anyone.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Nghia Nim
Nghia Nim
9 months ago

It looks like an opera, surrounded by water but contains a theater under a roof. Hence it is to perform something.

Jose Luis Garcia
Jose Luis Garcia
8 months ago

It looks like a stick figure performing on stage, a true minimalist rendition of a Broadway star!

McKenna Lipkin
McKenna Lipkin
2 months ago

This character looks like a person, with the top being the head, the middle being the stomach, and the two bottom strokes are feet. The three strokes on the left represent his acting/singing that he is displaying to the audience.