The first half of the character means the land that all continents exist, and the second half reminds me of the letter “j”, which is in the pinyin of the character.
1 year ago
The left character looks like a flag that is settled onto land, represented by the horizontal lines from the character on the right.
Ari Harris
10 months ago
The radical to the left looks like a flag on a flag pole when theres no wind. It can represent a national flag.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
10 months ago
looks like the B from 都 (all) written next to 小(small) meaning small part of the world which is NATION.
The first half of the character means the land that all continents exist, and the second half reminds me of the letter “j”, which is in the pinyin of the character.
The left character looks like a flag that is settled onto land, represented by the horizontal lines from the character on the right.
The radical to the left looks like a flag on a flag pole when theres no wind. It can represent a national flag.
looks like the B from 都 (all) written next to 小(small) meaning small part of the world which is NATION.