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Iva Radoman
Iva Radoman
3 years ago

this radical is composed of walking radical as well as the part that kinda looks like traffic light (square with 3 sections inside, hanging from the horizontal bar with two “holders”).Thus it resembles the “avenue” where you walk and which has traffic lights.

Danial Tajwer
Danial Tajwer
2 years ago

I try to remember this character through its association with DAOism…the walking radical partially wrapping the character represents the journey of seeking knowledge, the 目/eye in the center symbolizes the clarity of sight brought about by higher truths, and the strokes above the eye look like a little crown, which can be taken to represent somebody who has attained a state of nirvana (which is technically Buddhist, but whatever helps you remember the character I guess)

Deniz Acar Köstem
Deniz Acar Köstem
1 year ago

We all know this character from the ancient Chinese philosophy “Dao”ism which is identifying the right “Way” and sticking to it. It also has a walking radical so it is indeed walking the WAY.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Namuun Turkhuu
Namuun Turkhuu
1 year ago

If you read Laozi book in your GPS class, then you know what the “Way” is about. This character has the walking radical, which means if you know the certain wisdom, you know where and how to go there.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Joey Seo
Joey Seo
3 months ago

This character looks like a crosswalk where the lines are drawn on the road. Paired with the walking radical, you are walking across the ROAD. the top of the character also looks like the entrance of a side walk to create the crosswalk.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai