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Linda Maria Tervaniemi
Linda Maria Tervaniemi
5 years ago

When you are CLOSE to your destination you can 听 the place.

Zara Shahnaz
Zara Shahnaz
4 years ago

It looks like someone on a scooter pointing to destination, as if to say the place is very ‘near’.

Donny Chen
Donny Chen
4 years ago

The person is about to open the door to get into the café that they looked up on google maps. The app says your location is very CLOSE/Nearby

Finn Cosgrove
Finn Cosgrove
3 years ago

someone is riding an electric scooter and pointing to something

Jinu Shim
Jinu Shim
2 years ago

The walking radical has a character “close” to it.

Omar Kallas
Omar Kallas
2 years ago

When you walk (辶) towards someone to hear (听) them, you get close to them.

Alora Linehan
Alora Linehan
2 years ago

近 has the walk radical and a component that looks like the one in 听, for listen. if you are close to something, you can hear it near you.

Jonas Ranft
Jonas Ranft
2 years ago

First there is the walking radical. On the right there is also part of 听. Together this mean, if someone is close, I can HEAR them WALKING.

Linh Hoang
Linh Hoang
1 year ago

it looks like the word hear (except hear has a mouth radical). when something is CLOSE to you, you can walk there and hear them

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi