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Guido Jacubowicz
Guido Jacubowicz
4 years ago

You use this structure: 一边。。。。一边
The word is used twice, side by side. You are also doing two actions simultaneously, or side by side in the literal sense.

Carolyn Alberti
Carolyn Alberti
3 years ago

The symbol looks like a loading page for a website so it reminds me of “while”

1 year ago

Apart from the walk radical in the middle, the upper part looks similar to 力 (power). You need to have quite a bit of power to do things simultaneously.

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
Eva Vang
Eva Vang
1 year ago

It kinda looks like a “b” on top of a walking radical, therefore I remember it as “bian”

Andrew Teh
Andrew Teh
3 months ago

While in college you always feel like you have to do 9 thing simultaneously.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
jose luis
jose luis
3 months ago

is my roommate’s last name, so it is easy to remember it 🙂

maral-od norov
maral-od norov
3 months ago

kinda looks like a “b” on top of a walking radical, therefore I remember it as “bian”

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai