The first part is foot radicle and second part looks like a person KICKING.: upper part looks like a head and then bottom part is two feets are kicking
the foot radical, combined with the right portion which looks like someone kicking with their four legs (踢)
1 year ago
the right looks like a person getting ready to kick a ball
Dinobi Ibegbu
1 year ago
On the left side, there is the foot radical and right side has 日 (sun) on top and what looks like the right bottom part of 场 (field), so it is an action done under the sun on a field like KICKING a ball.
Deniz Acar Köstem
10 months ago
This character looks like the foot radical (足) is giving the component 易 a firm KICK.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Dominic De La Ossa
10 months ago
The radical on the left is a foot and it looks like it is KICKING a ball right next to it
Sondor Ts
10 months ago
with the “foot” radical we kick something on the field “chang”.
Eva Vang
10 months ago
the left radical is the foot radical, the right side looks like a bunch of legs in the air kicking.
Nghia Nim
10 months ago
踢 combines 足 (foot) and 易 (easy). Kicking a soccer ball is easy with your foot.
4 months ago
the character looks like someone is KICKING a ball 踢
The first part is foot radicle and second part looks like a person KICKING.: upper part looks like a head and then bottom part is two feets are kicking
The *easy* thing to do with you *foot* is *kick*
you “KICK” someone/something with your ‘FOOT’.
the foot radical, combined with the right portion which looks like someone kicking with their four legs (踢)
the right looks like a person getting ready to kick a ball
On the left side, there is the foot radical and right side has 日 (sun) on top and what looks like the right bottom part of 场 (field), so it is an action done under the sun on a field like KICKING a ball.
This character looks like the foot radical (足) is giving the component 易 a firm KICK.
The radical on the left is a foot and it looks like it is KICKING a ball right next to it
with the “foot” radical we kick something on the field “chang”.
the left radical is the foot radical, the right side looks like a bunch of legs in the air kicking.
踢 combines 足 (foot) and 易 (easy). Kicking a soccer ball is easy with your foot.
the character looks like someone is KICKING a ball 踢