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Linda Maria Tervaniemi
Linda Maria Tervaniemi
5 years ago

looks like 听 but instead it has speech radical and the T part is blocked, so it’s not listening any more but talking

Gloria Tsang
Gloria Tsang
4 years ago

there is a “t” because the figure on the right is TELLING something to the one on the left

Guido Jacubowicz
Guido Jacubowicz
4 years ago

It uses the 讠radical,so it has to do with speech. The left side of the word looks like a person inside a phonebooth, telling someone else about something with their phone up to their ear.

Alina Tran
Alina Tran
3 years ago

From 讠we know it is related to talking and there is a crossed out “T” for talking.

Finn Cosgrove
Finn Cosgrove
3 years ago

The speach radical plus the ‘T” in the character for talking

Deniz Acar Köstem
Deniz Acar Köstem
1 year ago

This character has the speech radical and the component looks like a mouth so we can understand that it is TELLing something.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Joey Seo
Joey Seo
3 months ago

There is a speech radical and it also looks like someone’s mouth is open with their tongue out where the top part is the mouth opening and the T part with the diagonal line is the tongue. Their mouth is open trying to tell you something.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai