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Guido Jacubowicz
Guido Jacubowicz
4 years ago

The character on the left is at the zoo, “viewing” the character on the right through the glass layer that separates them.

Donny Chen
Donny Chen
4 years ago

The character on the left looks like a person pointing. The character on the right looks like am art canvas that is sitting on top of an easel that would be used when people show their paintings in an art show.

Dylan Stringer
Dylan Stringer
4 years ago

It looks like a person who picked up a box to “view” what was under it and found a snake inside.

Sherab Ghale
Sherab Ghale
3 years ago

It looks like two people are viewing something.

Simone Hallingu
Simone Hallingu
3 years ago

It looks like a person looking through an old camera.

Dinobi Ibegbu
Dinobi Ibegbu
2 years ago

I remember it as ‘to view’ because it has a combination of the character 见-to see- and the radical for to show.

Crystal Lin
Crystal Lin
2 years ago

it looks like a little person unveiling the curtains

1 year ago

The character looks like the person on the left is trying to show something on his phone and two people are peeping in to view it.

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
4 months ago

someone using a telescope to look far into the distance. Their eye is focused intently on something, the act of viewing or observing. The telescope magnifies what they see, symbolizing attention and focus.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai