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Elise Danielle Truchan
Elise Danielle Truchan
4 years ago

The right side of the character looks like it is a head with antennae so the head is getting information so he is very smart.

Millie Tiwatmuncharoen
Millie Tiwatmuncharoen
4 years ago

Smart people use 耳(Ear) to listen and use their 心 (heart) to understand people.

Henry Krukauskas
Henry Krukauskas
3 years ago

It looks like an eye is looking at a lightbulb and a heart. That represents the struggle smart people have in making decisions based on heart or logic.

Nicole Cheah
Nicole Cheah
3 years ago

the left hand side is the ear radical, so i think that is how i remember this radical. if you listen in class, you will do well, and thus it is smart to listen in class.

Ariana Fahl
Ariana Fahl
2 years ago

聪明 means smart. To remember 聪, I first remember that in order to be smart, you need to learn first. To do this, you need to listen with your ears (the left-most part of the character is an 耳), be able to communicate what you know (there is a 口 in the upper right part), and truly understand the material with your heart (the lower right hand part is 心).

Luciana Emerson
Luciana Emerson
2 years ago

I think of this character like a person on a computer. The left is the computer and the right is a person coding on it or doing something smart.

Michaella Blemur
Michaella Blemur
1 year ago

The left character is the ear radical and it looks like a door with 2 handles. on the right, a bunny with 2 ears uses their heart (xīn) to listen in behind the door.

School Affiliation
NYU New York
Michaella Blemur
Michaella Blemur
Reply to  Michaella Blemur
1 year ago

This is also because the bunny is very smart. 🥸

Henry Stewart
Henry Stewart
1 year ago

It looks light a lightbulb, indicating someone is BRIGHT.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Margaret Jacobs
Margaret Jacobs
1 year ago

With the ear on the left and eyes, mouth, and heart on the right, there’s all you need to become the meaning of this character (smart).

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
1 year ago

Smart people use 耳(Ear) to listen and use their 心 (heart) to understand people.

1 year ago

The right side of the character looks like an alien because it has two antennas on top of its head so it is a smarter life form

McKenna Lipkin
McKenna Lipkin
4 months ago

The left hand size looks like a piece of paper, and the right hand side looks like a person- so the person is studying, therefore they are smart.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Angelina Zagdjav
Angelina Zagdjav
4 months ago

The radical on the left (耳) means “ear” and (总) can mean “total.” To be clever or intelligent, you need to listen carefully. So 聪 is someone who is smart because they listen well and process information.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
3 days ago

the 口 radical looks like a brain as the top antannaes are pouring in information, the 心 radical looks like the rest of the body.

Amelie Woc
Amelie Woc
3 days ago

I remember this character by thinking of a SMART person standing in front of a white board in which they wrote 2 horizontal lines, this SMART person has two sticks coming from its head (I imagine them as ideas), and the SMART person has the component of a HEART underneath.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai