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Frida Dominique Aguilar sanchez
Frida Dominique Aguilar sanchez
5 years ago

It seems like a butterfly drawn only with lines and in the top, it has her antennae. Butterfly in some cultures is a symbol of elegance and beauty so that way you can remember the meaning.

Tony Kinninger
Tony Kinninger
5 years ago

This character resembles a flower because of all the strokes it has going in different directions as if it were flower petals. Flowers are beautiful.

Gloria Tsang
Gloria Tsang
4 years ago

it’s someone wearing a LOT of make-up… look at all the lines! they’re trying to be “mei”

Dylan Stringer
Dylan Stringer
4 years ago

With a very simple set of strokes mei represents beuty in simplicity.

Charlotte LaGasse
Charlotte LaGasse
4 years ago

The character is uniform and symmetrical, it’s a beautiful character.

Iva Radoman
Iva Radoman
3 years ago

character looks like a caterpillar

Grey Mosquera
Grey Mosquera
2 years ago

It looks like a rising tower or skyscraper – for most foreigners the character is often associated along with the character “国”; meaning “beautiful country” for the United States, in a round about manner, the character 美, looks similar to the slyscrapers often found in the United States which makes up the United States own beauty.

Ashot Badalyan
Ashot Badalyan
2 years ago

The character looks like a butterfly, which is beautiful. So try to remember it that way.

1 year ago

This character looks like a person launching fireworks, and the 4 horizontal strokes symbolize the 4th of July.

1 year ago

This character looks like a peacock with it’s wing open, and peacocks are usually beautiful with all their colors.

1 year ago

This character looks like a peacock with it’s wings open, and peacocks with all their colors are considered a beautiful bird.

Ai bing
Ai bing
5 months ago

this character looks like a little girl with pig tails on top of her head, who is trying to be pretty / beautiful.

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NYU Abu Dhabi