the radical “silk” looks like “E” which begins the word “experience” and after there is a part of the character which looks like a dumbbell and excercising is always kind of like an experience
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
chokdhen norsang
3 months ago
silk radical with a mouth on top of the letter I
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
3 months ago
The character reminds me of when I did the Mudgirl Race with my sisters, where I had to jump over obstacles (right part of the character) and zizag under wires in the mud (left part of the characters. That was such a crazy EXPERIENCE!
the radical “silk” looks like “E” which begins the word “experience” and after there is a part of the character which looks like a dumbbell and excercising is always kind of like an experience
silk radical with a mouth on top of the letter I
The character reminds me of when I did the Mudgirl Race with my sisters, where I had to jump over obstacles (right part of the character) and zizag under wires in the mud (left part of the characters. That was such a crazy EXPERIENCE!