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Nawaf Alotaishan
Nawaf Alotaishan
4 years ago

the radical on the top right corner looks like a basket on top of a table with decayed vines to the left of it. That is AWFUL.

Nick Patrick
Nick Patrick
2 years ago

Think about how hard and terrible it is to write this character. The meaning will automatically be there.

Dinobi Ibegbu
Dinobi Ibegbu
2 years ago

It looks like someone throwing a “DECAYED” pineapple in the bin.

Annabelle Mecca
Annabelle Mecca
1 year ago

The left radical looks like a bare tree in the winter, and the right radical looks like a house missing a roof and outer walls. Both of these things could be considered decayed in a way or at least not at their best form.

Nghia Nim
Nghia Nim
1 year ago

Grass and rice under the sun will decay.

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
1 year ago

it looks like a person standing next to a coffin placed on a platform at a funeral. The body in it is about to DECAY.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
22 days ago

糟糕的汉字 look like scribbles. They just look like very messy characters that I would have a TERRIBLE time writing

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai