it’s radical is a roof, because houses have windows, and obviously a window is enclosed.
Nicole Cheah
3 years ago
how i memorize this character: roof radical reminds me of house, house reminds me of what things make up a house and one of those things are windows. the bottom part of the character looks like a window frame.
1 year ago
looks like a window with curtains which sort of reminds me of the meaning of this character
AJ Noble
1 year ago
This character has a roof with a window under it and there is a little person looking out the window.
Jasmin Normatova
1 year ago
It looks like a window with the blinds turned up
10 months ago
It looks like a window in any type of transportation, where there is some landscape outside.
School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
Oyuka B
10 months ago
This character looks like a bird sitting on a stool outside with curtains on the window’s head, we can see the bird through WINDOW.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Ezra Palmore
10 months ago
This Character looks like a window with something outside of it
School Affiliation
NYU New York
10 months ago
The top of the character looks like blinds, the bottom looks like a window
3 months ago
the character looks like a window with a roof. the window part is a part of the character library, as i always find myself looking out the window and daydreaming instead of studying.
it’s radical is a roof, because houses have windows, and obviously a window is enclosed.
how i memorize this character: roof radical reminds me of house, house reminds me of what things make up a house and one of those things are windows. the bottom part of the character looks like a window frame.
looks like a window with curtains which sort of reminds me of the meaning of this character
This character has a roof with a window under it and there is a little person looking out the window.
It looks like a window with the blinds turned up
It looks like a window in any type of transportation, where there is some landscape outside.
This character looks like a bird sitting on a stool outside with curtains on the window’s head, we can see the bird through WINDOW.
This Character looks like a window with something outside of it
The top of the character looks like blinds, the bottom looks like a window
the character looks like a window with a roof. the window part is a part of the character library, as i always find myself looking out the window and daydreaming instead of studying.