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Karla Liwanes
Karla Liwanes
4 years ago

目 is the radical, and it means eye, contributing to the meaning of the word this character is a part of. The component on the right is also a part of the character 请, pronounced “qing”, which sounds similar to this character – “jing”.

Miriyam Kuanysh
Miriyam Kuanysh
3 years ago

目 character means eye and looks like an eye turned upside down.

Mahrukh Riaz
Mahrukh Riaz
2 years ago

目 radical means eye, the 月 radical maybe meaning night-vision. the second half generally lends to pronunciation (from 请 qing,so jīng 睛)

2 years ago

it has the eye radical and the part on the right is 青。

Nghia Nim
Nghia Nim
1 year ago

This is just a blue 青 eye 目

1 year ago

I remember this character as a green (青)eye (目)

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
1 year ago

The left part is the eye, while the right part gives us the pronunciation (“qing”) and so it easy to remember

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
4 months ago

when you want to write the character for eyes, you need to remember that most people want bigger eyes. So you can remember that the first part of the character looks like big eyes. To remember the second part of the character, remember how people plead and want them, so use the character for please/excuse. To remember how to pronounce the character, focus on the second part.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Ansh Gandhi
Ansh Gandhi
6 hours ago

There’s an eye and two different designs that are four strokes each, so what fits in the context of an eye for an ____ (EYE).

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai