I think of Benjamin Franklin’s kite and key experiment = electricity
Kathryn Yep
5 years ago
Looks like a lightning bolt coming from a cloud
Julia Gangemi
4 years ago
It looks like a kite, which is how Ben Franklin discovered that lightning was electricity.
Charlotte LaGasse
4 years ago
The vertical stroke looks like a wire plugging the box into something, using electricity.
Hugo Obori
4 years ago
It looks like an electricity network. The kind you see when you open your electrical fuse.
Dome Suarez Vivanco
3 years ago
It looks like the end of a cable from an electrical appliance, which you plug into a socket
Harsh Tambi
3 years ago
The structure of the character looks like a closed electrical circuit which is unplugged right now. This is shown by the U-rounded-line at the bottom of the character
Aidan Jackson Wiggins
2 years ago
In 看电视, the 看 character looks like someone watching TV (the 电 character).
Deniz Acar Köstem
1 year ago
This character looks like a current flowing through a battery so we understand that it means electricity.
1 year ago
This character looks very similar to the circuit symbol that represents electricity.
School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
1 year ago
It looks like an electrical grid with a cable going through it
School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
Jaden Correa
1 year ago
This character reminds me of a tv on a tv stand, which reminds me of electricity.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Oyu-Erdene Bat-Amgalan
1 year ago
This character looks like a lamp, which is powered by “electricity”.
1 year ago
a square cut in half with a wire in the middle
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
maral-od norov
5 months ago
”this looks like a Christmas tree.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
5 months ago
It almost looks like a top view of a turtle with a curled up tail and with it’s thin and small head peaking out of its shell.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Diovanna Negeski
4 months ago
This character is very interesting because it somehow reminds me of an energy box, full of wires inside and there’s a wire that comes out, as if it were a loose wire, which we can connect with the meaning of the character, relating it to light, and energy
I think of Benjamin Franklin’s kite and key experiment = electricity
Looks like a lightning bolt coming from a cloud
It looks like a kite, which is how Ben Franklin discovered that lightning was electricity.
The vertical stroke looks like a wire plugging the box into something, using electricity.
It looks like an electricity network. The kind you see when you open your electrical fuse.
It looks like the end of a cable from an electrical appliance, which you plug into a socket
The structure of the character looks like a closed electrical circuit which is unplugged right now. This is shown by the U-rounded-line at the bottom of the character
In 看电视, the 看 character looks like someone watching TV (the 电 character).
This character looks like a current flowing through a battery so we understand that it means electricity.
This character looks very similar to the circuit symbol that represents electricity.
It looks like an electrical grid with a cable going through it
This character reminds me of a tv on a tv stand, which reminds me of electricity.
This character looks like a lamp, which is powered by “electricity”.
a square cut in half with a wire in the middle
”this looks like a Christmas tree.
It almost looks like a top view of a turtle with a curled up tail and with it’s thin and small head peaking out of its shell.
This character is very interesting because it somehow reminds me of an energy box, full of wires inside and there’s a wire that comes out, as if it were a loose wire, which we can connect with the meaning of the character, relating it to light, and energy
Looks like a tv which uses ELECTRICITY