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Damya Bhatia
Damya Bhatia
5 years ago

this can be looked at as two small letter “t”s and one is a bit bigger than the second one so you can compare (the meaning of 比)the two t’s.

Peyton Elise Playle
Peyton Elise Playle
5 years ago

The two components are similar, but not identical and so they are ‘comparable’ to eachother.

Anu Bat-yeruult
Anu Bat-yeruult
5 years ago

The one is bigger and taller than another, which looks like they are compared.

Kat Flanigen
Kat Flanigen
5 years ago

The juxtaposition of the two similar radicals suggests a potential comparison between the two

Ruby Rich
Ruby Rich
4 years ago

You can compare the two elements of this character.

Mahrukh Riaz
Mahrukh Riaz
3 years ago

the two parts of this character look similar and you can easily compare the differences (比)

Reese Dychiao
Reese Dychiao
2 years ago

I remember 比 by ‘comparing’ the left and right parts of the character as they look the same but still have small differences.

Ken Saengkla
Ken Saengkla
2 years ago

I remember this 比 character by comparing them together. They both look very similar, except that one of them seem bigger and one of them seem smaller.

Anar Chuluunbaatar
Anar Chuluunbaatar
2 years ago

They look alike but you can spot their little difference by comparing it. As we can emphasize the word ‘compare’ every time we see the word, it can help you remember quickly!

2 years ago

They both look alike but are different in sizes which indicates comparision.

2 years ago

You can look at this character as two seperate parts, depicted by t’s. Each looks alike but in reality have slight differences once you compare on to the other. So the character itself is comparing.

Tu Quynh Vuu
Tu Quynh Vuu
2 years ago

The character looks like two similar structures that can be COMPARED with each other.

1 year ago

the two characters are almost similar but the lower stroke is different, so you are comparing two things/people using 比

School Affiliation
Duke Kunshan University
1 year ago

the character looks like it’s made of a smaller ‘t’ and a bigger ‘t’, and they are “COMPARING” each other

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
1 year ago

The two parts are very similar to each other, yet they differ and so they can be “compared”.

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
1 year ago

when we first see the character two of the radicals may seem similar. But if we see it secondly, we will see the difference. So, when I see this character I can easily remember the meaning

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Nghia Nim
Nghia Nim
1 year ago

let’s compare these two sitting people.

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
Seung Guk Park
Seung Guk Park
1 year ago

This character looks like each radical is measuring their size, TO COMPARE

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
1 year ago

both halves of the character look similar so it is as if you are COMPARING the two to each other.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
1 year ago

They both sort of look like the letter ‘b’ as bi. They are similar but can be “compared”.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
1 year ago

it looks like two “t” ‘s together

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Steven L
Steven L
5 months ago

When I try to remember this one, I thought of it like they are pretty similar but not really, which means that there is a difference between both, and this translates to a comparison.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
19 days ago

looks like comparing 2 candy canes