it looks like a person is standing outside a house CHECKING to see if anyone is home
Saffi Ullah
2 years ago
Similar character to 脸 but different radical…
Sherab Ghale
2 years ago
someone is in the “WOODs” “TO CHECK” if anyone else is present.
Michaella Blemur
1 year ago
The left is the character for wood and it looks a bit like an examination device(like a stethoscope) with a flash light. A doctor holds up 3 fingers to examine your eyesight.
School Affiliation
NYU New York
Sondor Ts
1 year ago
with radical 木 second part is look like checking box on wooden board so together 检查。
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Deniz Acar Köstem
11 months ago
This character looks like someone bending over a barrack or a bungalow house, TO CHECK what is inside.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
4 months ago
We have to remember what the doctor does first when doing a check up. First they always approach us with a piece of wood to check our throats, so the first part of the character looks like a tree/wood. the second part of the character reminds me of face as check ups always start with the face.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
McKenna Lipkin
4 months ago
It looks like a person, who I imagine as a doctor, that is holding a Clip board. the lines represent the writing on the clip board
it looks like a person is standing outside a house CHECKING to see if anyone is home
Similar character to 脸 but different radical…
someone is in the “WOODs” “TO CHECK” if anyone else is present.
The left is the character for wood and it looks a bit like an examination device(like a stethoscope) with a flash light. A doctor holds up 3 fingers to examine your eyesight.
with radical 木 second part is look like checking box on wooden board so together 检查。
This character looks like someone bending over a barrack or a bungalow house, TO CHECK what is inside.
We have to remember what the doctor does first when doing a check up. First they always approach us with a piece of wood to check our throats, so the first part of the character looks like a tree/wood. the second part of the character reminds me of face as check ups always start with the face.
It looks like a person, who I imagine as a doctor, that is holding a Clip board. the lines represent the writing on the clip board