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Joshua Andre Cuesta
Joshua Andre Cuesta
4 years ago

the left side is a hand and the right side on top looks like 音 and the bottom is 女 , but it kind of looks like someone is CATCHING another person

Nicole Cheah
Nicole Cheah
3 years ago

the left hand side is the hand radical and the bottom part of. the right hand side of the character is the female radical. it looks as if a girl has fallen and someone is offering their hand to catch them and help them get back on their feet.

Saffi Ullah
Saffi Ullah
3 years ago

A women meeting another person and the, the line in between can signify that they haven’t yet met. There is a door or wall in between. And the hand is for greeting each other as they shake hands or wave at each other using a hand when they meet.

Sherab Ghale
Sherab Ghale
2 years ago

We need HAND ‘TO CATCH’ something.

Crystal Lin
Crystal Lin
2 years ago

on the left side of the character is a hand radical which you use your hand to wave towards a car or taxi, and the right side of the character looks like the character 安 which reminds me of the word 安全. hence, it is safe to call a cab or taxi when you need someone to pick you up.

2 years ago

The left side of the character indicates the radical of a hand which means to catch something. Hence, on the bottom of right side there is a character of a girl trying sit on the chair. (位子)

Michaella Blemur
Michaella Blemur
1 year ago

The left side holds the hand radical while on the right, a woman catches a pie falling down from the sky. (hehe it rhymes)

School Affiliation
NYU New York
1 year ago

I think of this character as someone MEETING a girl for the first time so they extend a handshake.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Steven L
Steven L
4 months ago

I think of this character as a mother throwing and catching her baby, just like 好 is sort of a mother with her son, but what differentiates it from others is the radical for hand, which showcases its meaning, catching. Also, the pronunciation sounds similar to 姐, which is sister, that how I remember its pronunciation.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
3 days ago

first part- you need a hand to catch these 3 small stokes
second part- first get one and then 2/small strokes/ and put it on the plate/straight lines/ and collect them in a ribbon /bottom part/

2 days ago

It might be cool to imagine a female baseball player. She needs to stand up and use her hands to CATCH the ball.