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Kat Flanigen
Kat Flanigen
4 years ago

I remember this character because the roof radical on top encloses the radical, so it is certain that it is closed and certainly always protected

Damya Bhatia
Damya Bhatia
4 years ago

i think of this radical as a person (人) lying down under his roof so he is certain that he is safe.

Anar Chuluunbaatar
Anar Chuluunbaatar
2 years ago

It is quite weird but there is a person under the roof standing with a good posture on a good stable foundation which implies of confidence and certainty. The roof on top seems like it is protecting that person to not to change his mind.

Amina Almatova
Amina Almatova
2 years ago

For this character, it always reminds me of a house that has a chimney and a few floors under the roof. So the entire character indicates to me that the radical means a roof.

2 years ago

with the roof radical on top, it seems like a person is inside a house, which indicates security and certainty of the person’s safety, hence the meaning “certain.”

Jinu Shim
Jinu Shim
2 years ago

Has the roof radical on top and the bottom part looks similar to the walk character 走 (zou)。

Dinobi Ibegbu
Dinobi Ibegbu
2 years ago

It has a roof radical and what is similar to the walking radical , and to me it looks like a person driving a motorcycle with their helmet one and scarf blowing behind them because they are CERTAIN they are safe.

Deniz Acar Köstem
Deniz Acar Köstem
1 year ago

This character looks like something under a strong roof, so it stands CERTAIN.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
1 year ago

The character ‘ding’ looks like a reception bell/call bell 🛎️ that if you press the bell it is CERTAINLY going to make a ‘ding’ sound.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Coco Zhang
Coco Zhang
6 months ago

When you tell someone, “definitely” or “一定“ when making plans, you tend to smirk and the character looks like a face smirking

School Affiliation
Duke Kunshan University