It looks like the female radical is stepping up onto a podium to start a speech.
Hugo Obori
4 years ago
Its like every birth starts with the help of a woman so its a start.
Finn Cosgrove
3 years ago
Looks like a person behind the start line for a race, and the ref is to the left about to start the race
Louise Simpson
2 years ago
It looks like someone kneeling in front of a desk, ready to START working. (The female radical is the desk, the top right part is someone’s legs kneeling, the bottom right part is the chair that they are kneeling on)
1 year ago
The beginning of every life involves the assistance of a female so it means start
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
4 months ago
the character looks like the female radical that is going to start a speech with a triangle mic on top of a box.
Tristan Wong
4 months ago
the female radical are keys that you put in the slots to start the car.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Allison Shi
4 months ago
The female radical reminds us that life STARTS with women.
4 months ago
it looks like the woman (female radical) is standing next to the house
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Andrew Teh
3 months ago
In track sprinters usually START down on a block which is similar to this character as there is a block on the bottom.
It looks like the female radical is stepping up onto a podium to start a speech.
Its like every birth starts with the help of a woman so its a start.
Looks like a person behind the start line for a race, and the ref is to the left about to start the race
It looks like someone kneeling in front of a desk, ready to START working. (The female radical is the desk, the top right part is someone’s legs kneeling, the bottom right part is the chair that they are kneeling on)
The beginning of every life involves the assistance of a female so it means start
the character looks like the female radical that is going to start a speech with a triangle mic on top of a box.
the female radical are keys that you put in the slots to start the car.
The female radical reminds us that life STARTS with women.
it looks like the woman (female radical) is standing next to the house
In track sprinters usually START down on a block which is similar to this character as there is a block on the bottom.