In China, it is seen as good when a wife is together with her child, that’s why this combination means “good”.
Gloria Tsang
4 years ago
I just see girl, and I automatically associate that with “good””
Roman Terekh
3 years ago
The easiest and first expression we learn is Nihao
This is the first part of Nihao. It is feminent because girl=good
Jade Spidel
3 years ago
The characters are a woman and her baby. A woman with her baby is the epitome of goodness
Dinobi Ibegbu
2 years ago
In many cultures, the perfect or good woman is to give birth to a son. So a woman having a son is seen as ‘good’.
Meera Alkaabi
1 year ago
to remember writing the character 好 is to think of it as a combination of the characters 女 (nǚ) and 子 (zǐ). The 女 represents a woman, and the 子 represents a child. Together, they form the character 好, which means “good” or “well.” So, imagine a happy woman holding a child, symbolizing goodness and well-being. 😄👍z
6 months ago
My friend said women with her child means good in Chinese culture.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
jose luis
5 months ago
is a 4 disoriented and a z in spanish
5 months ago
Imagine a woman (女) and a child (子) together, which represents a harmonious family. In this context, a good family means a good or “happy” situation.
that’s a 4 and a 7
The left part looks like a thumbs up, as in good.
In China, it is seen as good when a wife is together with her child, that’s why this combination means “good”.
I just see girl, and I automatically associate that with “good””
The easiest and first expression we learn is Nihao
This is the first part of Nihao. It is feminent because girl=good
The characters are a woman and her baby. A woman with her baby is the epitome of goodness
In many cultures, the perfect or good woman is to give birth to a son. So a woman having a son is seen as ‘good’.
to remember writing the character 好 is to think of it as a combination of the characters 女 (nǚ) and 子 (zǐ). The 女 represents a woman, and the 子 represents a child. Together, they form the character 好, which means “good” or “well.” So, imagine a happy woman holding a child, symbolizing goodness and well-being. 😄👍z
My friend said women with her child means good in Chinese culture.
is a 4 disoriented and a z in spanish
Imagine a woman (女) and a child (子) together, which represents a harmonious family. In this context, a good family means a good or “happy” situation.