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Linda Maria Tervaniemi
Linda Maria Tervaniemi
5 years ago

人 with a mark higher showing that it’s taller and bigger.

Zineb Dardafaa
Zineb Dardafaa
5 years ago

The character for big seems like a person opening her arms . It seems to me that the character looks like the gesture we do when we want to describe something big.

Kathryn Yep
Kathryn Yep
5 years ago

Looks like a starfish taking up space on a rock

Anu Bat-yeruult
Anu Bat-yeruult
5 years ago

I think of a big and tall tree when I see this.

Angelo Giovannoni
Angelo Giovannoni
4 years ago

I remember this by looking at the long arms and legs the character has on it.

Julia Gangemi
Julia Gangemi
4 years ago

I remember this because it looks like someone spreading out their arms and legs to take up as much space as possible.

Hugo Obori
Hugo Obori
4 years ago

It’s like the radical for person, however, it is bigger and has more lines.

Charlotte LaGasse
Charlotte LaGasse
4 years ago

It looks like a person in a starfish position to make themselves bigger

Ariel Spencer
Ariel Spencer
3 years ago

This looks like a person trying to stretch out to be bigger.

Grey Mosquera
Grey Mosquera
2 years ago

It looks like the character 人 stretching itself out – thus, it looks bigger.

Tu Quynh Vuu
Tu Quynh Vuu
2 years ago

The character looks like a person with long arms, which reminds me of a big person.

Jonas Ranft
Jonas Ranft
2 years ago

人 with spread arms. That way the person would look bigger.

Linh Hoang
Linh Hoang
1 year ago

look like a person who is extending their arm, which makes them big

1 year ago

it looks like a big person so I memorized it that way

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
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study away NYUSH
Binderiya M
Binderiya M
5 months ago

It looks like a man stretching his arms, legs and taking up a space as BIG as he can.

Andrew Teh
Andrew Teh
5 months ago

Looks like a start fish trying to give a BIG Hug so I always remember it

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Tristan Wong
Tristan Wong
5 months ago

My favorite card game 大老二 (da lao er) is big 2. So I know the da is the 大 character and that it means big,

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Olzhas Suleimanov
Olzhas Suleimanov
5 months ago

it looks like a big monster from cartoon, like 2 legs, 2 hands, 1 head.

5 months ago

He looks like a little person with a big stature