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Tara Nair
Tara Nair
4 years ago

I know that this character means mouth because of the radical on the left. Furthermore, it looks like the mouth radical is eating food, so therefore I think of a mouth

Gretchen Hoffman
Gretchen Hoffman
3 years ago

This character looks like the mouth radical with a tongue underneath.

Elise Tucker
Elise Tucker
2 years ago

I remember that this character means mouth because the radical on the left,口,already means mouth. It also looks like the 口 radical is going to eat food on its right.

Sondor Ts
Sondor Ts
1 year ago

With 口 radical, we can imagine that we can say anything from our mouths. It’s like opening your mouth and saying many different kind of things 嘴。

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Ari Harris
Ari Harris
1 year ago

The radical to the left means mouth, and part of the character on the bottom looks similar to one that means fish, or one that means use. You use your mouth to eat fish.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Eva Vang
Eva Vang
1 year ago

the mouth radical on the left looks like it is open for the characters on the right. the bottom characters looks sort of like 鱼 even though its not, but it makes me think the character is a mouth eating fish.

3 days ago

Look at the character 嘴—it has a box-like shape on the bottom, which could resemble the shape of a mouth (the opening of the face). The top part can be thought of as the roof or boundary of the mouth.