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Kathryn Yep
Kathryn Yep
5 years ago

It looks like 2 people talking next to you (1 is sitting and 1 is a head because they’re close up to you). They’re both asking “and you?”

Joao Vitor Lima Assumpcao
Joao Vitor Lima Assumpcao
4 years ago

the middle part of the character looks like a conversation ballon just like in comics and the bottom right part looks like a question mark upsidedown.

Gloria Tsang
Gloria Tsang
4 years ago

the bottom reminds me of a question mark so i think of this question participle

Dylan Stringer
Dylan Stringer
4 years ago

The strokes under the overhang remind me of an upside down question mark.

Ariel Spencer
Ariel Spencer
3 years ago

The bottom hook of the character looks like the upside down question mark in Spanish and other languages. The top box is like the dot of the question.

Suhana Kassam
Suhana Kassam
2 years ago

the character looks the letters o, p and a mirrored y

1 year ago

It looks like someone talking by themselves with hand movements.

1 year ago

It looks like someone with a thinking a balloon on their back.

Emily Tran
Emily Tran
1 year ago

There are two rectangles that resemble heads facing each other and when you ask question you have to look at them.

Meera Alkaabi
Meera Alkaabi
1 year ago

To recall writing the character 呢, you can think of it as a combination of the characters 口 (kǒu) and 二 (èr). The 口 represents a mouth, and the 二 represents the number two. So, 呢 can be visualized as “two mouths” or “two people talking.”

6 months ago

In the end part (y looking character) looks like upside down question mark. And 口 which means mouth is in the front. So I memorised as mouth and question mark.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Nadia H
Nadia H
5 months ago

呢 contains the “mouth” radical, indicating that it’s a part of speech/something you say. The character that looks similar to 七 in this character looks a little like an upside down question mark. It could help you to remember that you use to form certain questions.

School Affiliation
NYU New York
Kassidy Sacley
Kassidy Sacley
5 months ago

This radical helps me picture a wide-open mouth. This radical is related to speech or anything involving talking.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
5 months ago

I memorized this radical because it looks like an opened mouth

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Coco Zhang
Coco Zhang
5 months ago

呢 looks like someone leaning against something, contemplating and asking “——呢?“

School Affiliation
Duke Kunshan University