The cross on the top makes me think of t as in to talk and the bottle has a mouth to speak
Guido Jacubowicz
4 years ago
I often TELL myself that this word looks like a little bird perched on one of the branches of a small tree.
Finn Cosgrove
3 years ago
Much like the talk character 诉, a T can be noted, this one is longer because telling is longer than talking, mouth radical as aposed to a speak radical is a more open mouth more as well
Namuun Turkhuu
1 year ago
This character looks like sharpening your tongue with knife. (Also it has mouth radical) which reminds me of telling something to someone
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
10 months ago
its a t with a slash under it a dash and a mouth. and its to say smth
Yuliana Fernandez
3 months ago
This looks like a person on the phone TELLING someone something.
The cross on the top makes me think of t as in to talk and the bottle has a mouth to speak
I often TELL myself that this word looks like a little bird perched on one of the branches of a small tree.
Much like the talk character 诉, a T can be noted, this one is longer because telling is longer than talking, mouth radical as aposed to a speak radical is a more open mouth more as well
This character looks like sharpening your tongue with knife. (Also it has mouth radical) which reminds me of telling something to someone
its a t with a slash under it a dash and a mouth. and its to say smth
This looks like a person on the phone TELLING someone something.