One thing that helps me remember this character is that the second part of it reminds me of a weirdly shaped question mark.
Gloria Tsang
4 years ago
the right seems like a person asking the left for clarification
2 years ago
The second half of the character reminds me of a question mark.
1 year ago
The first half of the character is shaped like a widely opened mouth in disbelief and in doubt. The second half adds to the complexity by looking as if it is turning away from the question.
Meera Alkaabi
1 year ago
An easy way to remember writing the character 吗 is to think of it as a question mark. The shape of 吗 looks like a question mark, and it is often used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question in Chinese. So, just think of 吗 as a little question mark! 🤔😄
6 months ago
It looks like face to me. The – in the middle looks like they are doing the awkward smile and waiting for their response.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
6 months ago
It looks like a face (two eyes for the two squares and the horizontal line is the mouth), like an impatient face waiting for the answer to a question they asked.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
5 months ago
Looks like a cartoon face of someone who is asking a question
One thing that helps me remember this character is that the second part of it reminds me of a weirdly shaped question mark.
the right seems like a person asking the left for clarification
The second half of the character reminds me of a question mark.
The first half of the character is shaped like a widely opened mouth in disbelief and in doubt. The second half adds to the complexity by looking as if it is turning away from the question.
An easy way to remember writing the character 吗 is to think of it as a question mark. The shape of 吗 looks like a question mark, and it is often used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question in Chinese. So, just think of 吗 as a little question mark! 🤔😄
It looks like face to me. The – in the middle looks like they are doing the awkward smile and waiting for their response.
It looks like a face (two eyes for the two squares and the horizontal line is the mouth), like an impatient face waiting for the answer to a question they asked.
Looks like a cartoon face of someone who is asking a question