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Angelo Giovannoni
Angelo Giovannoni
4 years ago

I remember this character because each part of it represents a different number. the top resembles a 0, while the middle looks similar to 一。 The bottom part of 号 reminds me of a very widely shaped 5.

Hugo Obori
Hugo Obori
4 years ago

The radical is like an opened mouth.

Sherab Ghale
Sherab Ghale
3 years ago

This character has a rectangle at the top and the bottom part of the character looks like number 5

Emily Yan
Emily Yan
3 years ago

i remember that it has a kou on top and a line under then a strange hook at the end of it

3 years ago

the top box looks like an open mouth and the bottom is the tongue,

Suhana Kassam
Suhana Kassam
2 years ago

the top part looks like a 0 and the bottom part looks like a 5; since they look like numbers it can be directly related to its meaning (being a measure word).

Luciana Emerson
Luciana Emerson
2 years ago

The top part looks like head and the bottom is a person. The whole character looks like a person with their arms out asking how many which is helpful because this character is a particle that is used for a numerical series.

Shanze Fatima Javed
Shanze Fatima Javed
2 years ago

I try to memorise it by remembering it as 2 different characters making up – a persons head and arm I associate with

Bulat Sharafiev
Bulat Sharafiev
1 year ago

looks like a flower

1 year ago

this character has a lot of meanings and uses. It can be used as a number( 学号), mark or symbol. to call or name, or date. Now we study its meaning as a date and I remembered the character only as a flower, especially like a flower from Minecraft.

3 months ago

To remember this, it might be good to keep in mind a mouth radical on top and at the bottom line can almost be a lighting bolt. If you think that the mouth radical is the clouds and and bottom as lighting bolts, you need to separate the two and two cut them apart there is a horizontal line in between.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai