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Nour El mansari
Nour El mansari
5 years ago

that’s a 0 and a 4

Elena Saravia Garza
Elena Saravia Garza
5 years ago

It looks like a 0 and a 4; part of a phone number to “call” people.

Hugo Obori
Hugo Obori
4 years ago

The first radical is obviously a mouth, and the second character shows a music tuning fork which adjusts the tone, however, here, it adjusts how you pronounce a name.

Joao Vitor Lima Assumpcao
Joao Vitor Lima Assumpcao
4 years ago

It looks like a phone in the wall, one can be used to “call” people

Gloria Tsang
Gloria Tsang
4 years ago

the right looks like something sharp that could be used for violence, which is why you would need to shout!

Ariel Spencer
Ariel Spencer
3 years ago

The two parts of the character look like old flip phones that you would call on.

Tu Quynh Vuu
Tu Quynh Vuu
2 years ago

The characters are similar to korean characters of m, n, and i; so it looks like mni which goes to “me”

Mattis Nurit
Mattis Nurit
2 years ago

I see a mouth and I imagine the “4” to be the sounds calling out a name.

2 years ago

if you turn it sideways it kind of resembles a rotary dial phone

A. Sav
A. Sav
1 year ago

The left component looks like a mouth and the right component looks like a hand. Sometimes when people shout (across a room) they put their hand near their mouth. Also the right part looks like the number four and when people put their hand to their mouth its usually their four fingers.

1 year ago

It reminds me of “two mouth” calling out to each other.

1 year ago

It looks like a person holding a phone, calling someone

1 year ago

it’s like “AY” so it’s easy to memorise

1 year ago

A 0 and 4 represents someone’s number so you can call them.

Emily Tran
Emily Tran
1 year ago

The second character looks like a “J” when you turn your head to the side and “jiào” starts with a “j”.

Meera Alkaabi
Meera Alkaabi
1 year ago

To recall writing the character 叫, you can think of it as a combination of the characters 口 (kǒu) and 又 (yòu). The 口 represents a mouth, and the 又 represents a hand. So, 叫 can be visualized as a hand pointing to a mouth, which represents someone calling or shouting.

1 year ago

Next to KOU the character looks like a korean character, na, which means me. I connect na to “me” being called.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
6 months ago

it looks like 0 and 4

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
jose luis
jose luis
5 months ago

Is similar to a 0 and a 4

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Diovanna Negeski
Diovanna Negeski
5 months ago

To memorize this character I thought of an inverted 40

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
5 months ago

As the box is defining the mouth radical, it might be good to remember the mouth shape trying to eat the stick snacks that is expressed on the left side. “You are being CALLED out for eating the stick snack”

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
5 months ago

0 and a 4 is like 02 from Darling in the Franxx and that is her name so like name/call

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Syed Muhammad Ali Naqvi
Syed Muhammad Ali Naqvi
5 months ago

The kou radical looks like an ear with the other part representing hand beckoning. This just means you are calling them to lend a ear.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Chu ge
Chu ge
5 months ago

it looks like a right side, a person holding sth and talkin , the left side is standing with a big mouth

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Samira Salamova
Samira Salamova
5 months ago

looks like an opened mouth.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Tristan Wong
Tristan Wong
5 months ago

To make a “call” just push the button (the kou) and dial 4.

1 month ago

The right component reminds me of the number with the first stroke slanted more upward

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai