The two strokes on the bottom are signaling to a single box, indicating that it’s “only” that box.
Guido Jacubowicz
4 years ago
There’s “only” one person in this word (The bottom part look like legs, while the top is the head/body).
Nartay Ualikhan
3 years ago
o on the top
/\ in the bottom looks like ON
so the word only comes to your mind.
Seonyeong Cho
3 years ago
The character is simple so I memorized it as is this the “only” strokes?
Danial Tajwer
2 years ago
It’s a box, and you can only put one of the two strokes inside, choosing between “this” or “that”…you have to choose “ONLY” one
Tina Kralimarkova
2 years ago
Compared to other characters, this one looks pretty simple. It is ONLY a box and ONLY two lines.
Gabe Wenchel
2 years ago
I think it sort of reminds me of a circle (box) and two arrows (strokes) pointing to it so its sort of highlighting ONLY one thing
Munkh-Erdene Altanbaatar
2 years ago
Box with two lines below it. It is really easy to remember because it “only” has a box with two lines below it.
1 year ago
it looks like a running box
Eva Vang
1 year ago
the character is very simple, so I understand it as “only” a few stokes
Oyu-Erdene Bat-Amgalan
1 year ago
The bottom two strokes looks like hands, and mouth radical on top looks like a box or present. This character looks like a present being gifted to “only” you.
Ari Harris
1 year ago
It kind of looks like a profile photo- the box being the head, and the two strokes being the shoulders. It’s “only” one person.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Deron Nguyen
1 year ago
There is only one box
Samira Salamova
5 months ago
looks like two hands pointing at something specific, something special, the one and only
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
5 months ago
You can imagine a cardboard box that only has two legs to move itself!
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
4 months ago
Imagine a single candle in the dark. The top part is the flame flickering at the top, and the bottom is the candle itself. The candle is alone, the only light source in the darkness
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Tristan Wong
4 months ago
The character is so basic – their is only a few strokes.
Ryan Kim
4 months ago
When looking at this character I remember the character as a table. Or, a mouth radical being supported by two legs.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
4 months ago
there’s one person standing on his/here feet. That makes ONLY
Sienna Ley
4 months ago
This character reminds me of a jellyfish.
4 months ago
the radical mouth is looks like standing alone two support of its self
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
4 months ago
it look exactly like TV. So I will memorize this character as ‘ONLY TV entertains me’
The two strokes on the bottom are signaling to a single box, indicating that it’s “only” that box.
There’s “only” one person in this word (The bottom part look like legs, while the top is the head/body).
o on the top
/\ in the bottom looks like ON
so the word only comes to your mind.
The character is simple so I memorized it as is this the “only” strokes?
It’s a box, and you can only put one of the two strokes inside, choosing between “this” or “that”…you have to choose “ONLY” one
Compared to other characters, this one looks pretty simple. It is ONLY a box and ONLY two lines.
I think it sort of reminds me of a circle (box) and two arrows (strokes) pointing to it so its sort of highlighting ONLY one thing
Box with two lines below it. It is really easy to remember because it “only” has a box with two lines below it.
it looks like a running box
the character is very simple, so I understand it as “only” a few stokes
The bottom two strokes looks like hands, and mouth radical on top looks like a box or present. This character looks like a present being gifted to “only” you.
It kind of looks like a profile photo- the box being the head, and the two strokes being the shoulders. It’s “only” one person.
There is only one box
looks like two hands pointing at something specific, something special, the one and only
You can imagine a cardboard box that only has two legs to move itself!
Imagine a single candle in the dark. The top part is the flame flickering at the top, and the bottom is the candle itself. The candle is alone, the only light source in the darkness
The character is so basic – their is only a few strokes.
When looking at this character I remember the character as a table. Or, a mouth radical being supported by two legs.
there’s one person standing on his/here feet. That makes ONLY
This character reminds me of a jellyfish.
the radical mouth is looks like standing alone two support of its self
it look exactly like TV. So I will memorize this character as ‘ONLY TV entertains me’