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Bayarjargal Ganbold
Bayarjargal Ganbold
5 years ago

the character’s meaning is again looks like a right part of the 汉, and we can remember as remembering 汉子 over and over again.

Mahrukh Riaz
Mahrukh Riaz
3 years ago

you have to practice 汉字 again and again to remember it (又)

Elise Tucker
Elise Tucker
2 years ago

I remember this character because it is a part of 双,which means pair. So when you use 又 for “again”, it makes me think of how the character shows up “again” in the character 双.

Alora Linehan
Alora Linehan
2 years ago

this character looks like half of an infinity sign, going again and again in a loop

Tu Quynh Vuu
Tu Quynh Vuu
2 years ago

The character looks like a reflection of itself vertically (y-axis), which means you can draw one half of it AGAIN

1 year ago

It looks like an hourglass with the cover at the bottom missing. Now that the sand has fallen out, you’ll have to reset it again.

Nghia Nim
Nghia Nim
1 year ago

This is a loop in a rope signifying to do something “again”.

School Affiliation
NYU Abu Dhabi
Eva Vang
Eva Vang
1 year ago

this character has two strokes that are the same but on opposite sides, which makes me think that its repeating the stroke “again”

jose luis
jose luis
1 month ago

is like a return in a road

Ryan Kim
Ryan Kim
27 days ago

The character looks like two of the letter ys flipped by the y axis over each other almost seeing what it was like in the past.

School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
19 days ago

looks like a fish looking up wanting to eat more food AGAIN

19 days ago

this charcter i remember by its connections to friend and relating to having something.