this character looks like there is table with a stand at the bottom and a lot of *utensils* stacked on top of it.
Anaihita Johar
3 years ago
the character looks like a person sitting on a chair with their legs dangling or an ironing board so it automatically reminds one of furniture when we looks at it because it looks so similar to many pieces of furniture
Michaella Blemur
1 year ago
Two hands are holding up a hat which has utensils in it.
School Affiliation
NYU New York
Saint Joseph
9 months ago
I believe 具 “ju” is easiest to put on paper when thought of as a rectangle with three lines in it, sat on a large base. Following this I try to remember to put two chopsticks underneath the base which help me remember the meaning of the character, “utensils.”
this character looks like there is table with a stand at the bottom and a lot of *utensils* stacked on top of it.
the character looks like a person sitting on a chair with their legs dangling or an ironing board so it automatically reminds one of furniture when we looks at it because it looks so similar to many pieces of furniture
Two hands are holding up a hat which has utensils in it.
I believe 具 “ju” is easiest to put on paper when thought of as a rectangle with three lines in it, sat on a large base. Following this I try to remember to put two chopsticks underneath the base which help me remember the meaning of the character, “utensils.”