乱 can also mean random. The character on the left side looks like a person and on the right a fishing hook. Therefore, the character as a whole looks like a person fishing. Since when we fish, it is random that we either catch a fish or not, so we can memorize the meaning of 乱.
Luciana Emerson
1 year ago
I see it as a person with a vacuum
Dinobi Ibegbu
1 year ago
It looks like a person holding a vacuum cleaner or long broom because the place is MESSY.
Michaella Blemur
1 year ago
A person holds a broom and a dustpan to clean up the messy room.
School Affiliation
NYU New York
Nghia Nim
1 year ago
A conversation that hooks you in is usually pretty random.
Joshua Sim
11 months ago
it looks like a kid standing on his head with a candy cain so he’s making a mess.
乱 can also mean random. The character on the left side looks like a person and on the right a fishing hook. Therefore, the character as a whole looks like a person fishing. Since when we fish, it is random that we either catch a fish or not, so we can memorize the meaning of 乱.
I see it as a person with a vacuum
It looks like a person holding a vacuum cleaner or long broom because the place is MESSY.
A person holds a broom and a dustpan to clean up the messy room.
A conversation that hooks you in is usually pretty random.
it looks like a kid standing on his head with a candy cain so he’s making a mess.