its a person throwing money because they keep buying things
Gloria Tsang
4 years ago
the two dots on the left show panic like in a comic because the character needs to reach the next sale!
Luciana Emerson
2 years ago
It looks like a person holding out two dollars
Rudy Bhukhanwala
2 years ago
The two dots look like 2 coins, therefore the character means buy
Sangye Wangmo
1 year ago
i remember this caharcter by knowing Wai Mai 外卖。 which is take out food, which i BUY.
School Affiliation
NYU Shanghai
Madina Kurmangali
1 year ago
It looks like a person running to BUY new clothes
3 months ago
This character looks like a shopping cart in the grocery store (top right are the handles, bottom are the wheels), with the 2 small strokes representing items someone wants to buy in the cart.
its a person throwing money because they keep buying things
the two dots on the left show panic like in a comic because the character needs to reach the next sale!
It looks like a person holding out two dollars
The two dots look like 2 coins, therefore the character means buy
i remember this caharcter by knowing Wai Mai 外卖。 which is take out food, which i BUY.
It looks like a person running to BUY new clothes
This character looks like a shopping cart in the grocery store (top right are the handles, bottom are the wheels), with the 2 small strokes representing items someone wants to buy in the cart.
The character looks like a person holding money.